➢ What should I look for on the August 6 ballot?
Proposition J requests approval for a $9 million no tax rate increase bond issue for the purposes of repairs and renovations in schools and facilities district-wide. If approved, it is estimated that the tax rate will remain unchanged. However, it will look a bit different on the ballot.
The official ballot language is as follows:
Proposition J – Shall the Jennings School District, St. Louis County, Missouri borrow Nine Million Dollars ($9,000,000) for the purpose of constructing, renovating, improving, furnishing and equipping school sites, buildings and related facilities for school purposes, including but not limited to making facilities and safety improvements District-wide, and issue general obligation bonds for the payment thereof? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service level of the school district is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.99 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation of real and personal property.
JSD’s Prop J requires a 57.14% majority vote for passage.