Safety and Security-FAQ
What number do I call to report a safety or security concern? Will my call be anonymous?
The St. Louis County Safe Schools Hotline is: 314-889-SAFE (7237). Your recorded message will be kept confidential.
How many emergency drills do the schools have?
Schools adhere to the Life Safety Code and District Policy for Safety Drills. Currently, schools complete emergency evacuation drills each month throughout the school year, rotating with fire, earthquake and intruder drills. Summer school conducts two drills.
What is an SRO? Why do we have them?
An SRO is a School Resource Officer. He/she is a commissioned police officer serving in a jurisdiction covering a specific section of the district. SRO's are under contract and report to the building Principal through the Chief of Security. They provide the physical security for the school while it is in session as well as provide training and counseling as needed. The District values a safe school environment, and in doing so feels that a professionally trained, commissioned police officer specializing in school issues provides the best choice.